ECT Provision
Early Career Framework
We work with Haybridge Teaching School Hub and are proud to support our early career teachers through this crucial and integral part of their development and at the beginning of their teaching career. In addition to the Full Induction programme, through StepLab and Ambition Institute, we offer multi-tiered levels of support to our ECTs and to our mentors. We continue to be proud of the impact our early career teachers have on our young people in the pursuit of social justice through exceptional schools. For more information about our core ECT provision, contact Teresa Wilson, Trust Lead for ITT & Early Career Stage.
At the Central Region Schools Trust, we invest heavily in staff development and offer an annual ECT conference (November); we offer two Early Career Teacher conferences; we work closely with industry experts, such as, Dr Debra Kidd, Sue Cowley, Alistair Smith, and David Barclay to support curriculum development and design. This CPD activity is hosted at our Assay base in Birmingham and is an opportunity for ECTs to share collective planning, network and to meet expert practitioners from across the Trust.
- CRST ECT Conference – November 2021
- CRST ECT Conference – March 2022
- CRST ECT Conference – November 2022
- CRST ECT Conference – January 2025
Places Project
Developing strong curriculum integrity in our learning spaces/classrooms – the aim of this initiative is for ECTs to take snapshot of current classroom environment, and then to think deeply about how it is best organised and looks for highest impact for the young people it is designed for them to learn in. Our Distinctive Culture highlights that we are aiming for our places to be ‘safe and inspiring places that have strong curriculum integrity, enable pupils/students to excel, and are a beacon of pride for the community’. If each of us can generate a classroom environment that meets this aspiration (and indeed the corridor or area immediately outside our classroom) then we will go a long way to meeting this aspiration.
By the ‘curriculum integrity’ of our classrooms, a phrase we have developed as a trust, we are outlining what we think is the best room to learn geography in in a secondary geography classroom, the best room for history, the best classroom to deliver the full curriculum for year 4, be it maths or art, or in early years setting. Establishing the minimum entitlement, and then establishing what great looks like, are all part of this, and we want each of you to be thinking about this carefully. We need to think deeply about what is on our classroom walls (or not!), what learning resources and artefacts might support learning and/or inspire learners, how the room is laid out, organised, how it promotes reading, how to turn it into a geography centre or history centre from a ‘mere’ geography/history classroom….and so on.
All ECTs are allocated statutory mentor time and a dedicated mentor to support them in their Instruction, Routine, Pedagogy and Subject knowledge. This is further supported by ECT and ECT mentor conferences and clinics, which are facilitated by our own ECF Fellow (Teresa Wilson).
Where appropriate, ECT Professional Mentors (SLT link to mentors), in our schools, will provide additional bespoke CPD, to support ECT development and in meeting key colleagues such as in the areas of SEND, Inclusion, Educational Visits and so forth.